Thursday, March 6, 2008

The paradox in dishing out advice

Isn't it paradoxical that people who preach about the importance of being emotionally intelligent are themselves so emotionally numb. The other day, I was in this restaurant enjoying a meal and the book that I was reading when I heard a person sitting on the adjacent table offering his dollops of wisdom to his friend.

He was telling the other guy that he needed to be a good listener and that he must stop being judgmental. He also added that his friend needed to think twice before he spoke as this would allow him to contemplate the impact of his words.

The wise one spoke thus for some time.

But just soon as he finished, I got to witness a scene; which is why I wrote this piece. I see the ‘wise one’ yelling at the restaurant service guy who was desperately trying to explain something, but I may add, in vain. In spite of his best efforts, the wise one refused to listen. I winced at the embarrassment this guy was causing the service guy. In fact the restaurant had suddenly gone silent. It was not the best of times. My meal felt ruined.

I wonder what happened to all the advice the guy had just dished out. That got me thinking. Isn’t it ironical that the ones that preach are the ones that need to listen? Aren’t we all ultimately what we profess others not to be?

Think about it.


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